ESG investing

Rising Bond Yields: What It Means for Green Investing and the Global Economy

In-Depth Analysis The rise in bond yields, both in the US and globally, presents a mixed bag for the green economy and sustainable investing. On one hand, higher yields increase the cost of financing large-scale renewable energy projects, potentially slowing the adoption of clean energy technologies. Governments aiming to meet ambitious climate targets could struggle […]

The Private Market Revolution: How Pension Funds and Private Equity Could Shape the Green Economy

The increasing focus on private markets is shaping the trajectory of green investments. Pension funds, constrained by the shrinking pool of public equities, have turned to private equity and debt, despite concerns over high fees and exposure to interest rate risks. This shift aligns well with environmental, social, and governance (ESG) objectives, which are becoming […]

The Third Millennium’s Economic Evolution and its Impact on Green Investing

The third millennium’s economic trends are shaping green investing in complex ways. Here’s a deeper look: Since 2000, escalating global debt and the expansion of central bank balance sheets have created a funding environment where green finance initiatives, such as green bonds, can flourish alongside increased debt. However, this additional debt load poses questions about […]

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