CO2 from the air can be stored in the ocean as baking soda

We have the ability to extract CO2 from the atmosphere and sequester it in the ocean as sodium bicarbonate, according to new research.

Scientists from the US have discovered a process that mimics the natural carbon cycle and converts atmospheric CO2 into a stable compound that can be stored in the ocean. The process involves extracting CO2 from the air using a chemical solution, which is then mixed with seawater to create bicarbonate ions. These bicarbonate ions react with calcium ions in seawater to produce solid calcium carbonate, or limestone, and water.

The researchers say this process, which they call CO2-to-Resource (C2R), has several advantages over other methods of carbon capture and storage. For one, it uses seawater as a source of carbon, which is readily available and doesn’t require large-scale infrastructure. Additionally, the solid calcium carbonate that is produced can be used in building materials, further reducing the carbon footprint.

However, the researchers caution that the technology is not a silver bullet for addressing climate change. While it can help mitigate the effects of carbon emissions, reducing emissions in the first place is still the best way to tackle the problem. Nevertheless, the C2R process could play a role in achieving net-zero emissions by 2050, a goal that many countries have set for themselves.

Further research is needed to determine the feasibility of large-scale implementation of the C2R process, but the study’s authors are optimistic about its potential. As lead author Greg Rau said in a statement, “Our results are a very encouraging step towards CO2 capture and utilization on a large scale, with potentially minimal environmental impacts.”

CO2 from the air can be stored in the ocean as baking soda

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